A mother and a daughter. Friends, neighbors, and business partners. We are opposites which brings a blend of ideas and passions to make a unique brand.
Chandler is calm, clever and creative. She brings a hipster vibe and quality control to the design table. She is quiet and strong. Taking careful note of what is going on around her.
Alisha, I am a gregarious people person. Details are not my forte, but I can organize an army of people in a heartbeat - and feed them too. I am passionate about Jesus and helping people.
God has knit us together to form a powerful team.
Sis Miss
Meet Chandler Brighton. A courageous young woman and my creative, quality-minded business partner for The People Mender.
Wife, daughter, and friend with an eye for beauty an a heart for the underdog.
God certainly knew what He was doing when he brought us together as ministry partners and neighbors.
Yes, neighbors. We share a fence line –that's if there were a fence because we took it down for easy access for our dogs to romp and play, and for me to visit.

Mama Crebbin
I adore being a wife to Rob, a mom to Chandler, and her husband, Alec. I am invigorated by groups of people and anything related to hospitality. Most days you will find me in a sweatshirt, yoga pants, gloves, and a hat out in the garden, battling weeds and bugs, trying to grow something I can bring to the table for dinner.